Publikationen zu Fidschi


Eine repräsentative Auswahl englisch- und deutschsprachiger Bücher zu Fidschi.

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Adams, Emma H.: Life and Incidents in the Fiji and Samoan Islands. Jottings from the Pacific. Oakland 1890: Pacific Press Publishing, 160 S., geb.

Adinkrah, Mensah: Crime, Deviance & Deliquency in Fiji. Suva 1995: Fiji Council of Social Services/ Asia Crime Prevention Foundation/Department of Sociology, USP/Fiji Prisons Service, 269 S., XIII S., pb.,

Agassiz, Alexander: The Islands and Coral Reefs of Fiji. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. XXXIII. Cambridge/Mass. 1899: Museum of Comparative Zoology, 167 S., 112 Tafeln, Karten, geb.

Ali, Ahmed : Plantation to Politics. Studies on Fiji Indians. Suva 1980: University of the South Pacific/Fiji Times, 223 S., VII S., kop.,

Ali, Ahmed : Fiji and the Franchise. A History of Political Representation, 1900-1937. New York/Lincoln/Shanghai 2007: iUniverse, 330 S., XXVIII S., pb.,

Amratal, Jyoti / Baro, Eta / Griffen, Vanessa / Singh, Geet Bala: Women’s Role in Fiji. Suva 1975: South Pacific Social Science Association, 64 S., kop., pb.,

Anderson, A. G.: Indo-Fijian Smallfarming. Profiles of a Peasantry. Auckland 1974: Auckland University Press/Oxford University Press, 199 S., XII S., geb.,

Bain, Kenneth: Treason at 10, Fiji at the Cross Roads. London/Sydney 1989: Hodder & Stoughton, 236 S., XVI S., geb.,

Barr, Kevin, J., M.S.C.: The Church and Fijian Ethnocentrism. An Adventure in Religious History and Sociology. Suva 2004: Ecumenical Centre for Research Education and Advocacy., 29 S., pb.,

Baxter, Michael W. P.: Food in Fiji: the produce and processed foods distribution systems. Monograph No. 22 Canberra 1980: The Australian National University Development Studies Centre/The University of the South Pacific Centre for Applied Studies in Development, 282 S., XX S., pb.

Bayliss-Smith, T. P./ Bedford, Richard/ Brookfield, Harold/ Latham, Marc: Islands, Islanders and the World; The colonial and post-colonial experience of eastern Fiji. Cambridge 1988: Cambridge Univ. Press, 323 S., XVII S., geb.,

Becker, Anne E.: Body, Self, and Society; The View from Fiji. Philadelphia 1995: Univ. of Philadelphia Press, 206 S., XVI S., pb.,

Belshaw, Cyril S.: Under the Ivi Tree; Society and Economic Growth in rural Fiji. London 1964: Routledge & Kegan, 336 S., XIII S., geb.,

Birtwhistle, Allen: In his Armour, The Life of John Hunt of Fiji. London 1954: Cargate Press, 196 S., geb.,

Biturogoiwasa, Solomoni: My Village, my World. Everyday Life in Nadoria, Fiji. Suva 2001: Institute of Pacific Studies/Univ. of the South Pacific, 153 S., XIV S., pb.,

Brewster A. B.: King of the Cannibal Isles. A tale of early life and adventure in the Fiji Islands. London 1937: Robert Hale & Company, 286 S., XIV S., geb.,

Brewster, A. B.: The Hill Tribes of Fiji. London 1922: Seley, Service & Co., 308 S., geb.,

Brookfield, H. C.: Population-environment relations in tropical islands: the case of eastern Fiji. MAB Technical Notes No.3 Paris 1980: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 228 S., pb.,

Brown, Stanley: Men from Under the Sky; The Arrival of Westerners in Fiji. Rutland 1973: Charles Tuttle, 327 S., geb.,

Bruno, Sabine/ Schade, Annette: Fiji, Samoa, Tonga. Beck’sche Reihe Länder München 1993: Beck, 158 S., pb.,

Burns, Sir Allan: Fiji. London 1963: Her Majesty´s Stationery Office, 255 S., XV S., Karten, geb.,

Burton, J. W./ Dean, Wallace: A Hundred Years in Fiji. London 1936: Epworth Press, 144 S., geb.,

Burton, John Wear: The Fiji of To-Day. London 1910: Charles H. Kelly, 364 S., geb.,

Calvert, James: Fiji and the Fijians; Mission History, Vol. 2. Reprint der Ausgabe 1858 Suva 1985: Fiji Museum, 437 S., pb.,

Calvert, James: Fiji and the Fijians. Vol. II. Mission History. London 1858: Alexander Heylin, 436 S., VI S., geb.,

Capell. A.: A New Fijian Dictionary. Sydney 1941: Australasian Medical Publishing Company Limited, 466 S., X S., geb.,

Cary, William S.: Wrecked on the Feejees. Fairfield/Washington 1972: Ye Galleon Press, 105 S., pb.,

Chambers, Harold, Rev.: Handbook of Fijian Language. Suva  1936: Methodist Mission, 74 S., pb.,

Chand, Ganesh/ Naidu, Vijay (eds.): Fiji: Coups, Crises, and Reconciliation, 1987-1997. Suva 1997: Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, 191 S., pb.,

Chanrda, Rajesh/ Bryant, Jenny (eds.): Population of Fiji. South Pacific Commission Country Monograph Series Noumea 1990: South Pacific Commission, 258 S., XIV S., pb.,

Chapple, Major W. A.: Fiji – Its Problems and Resources. Auckland etc. 1921: Whitcombe & Tombs Limited, 189 S., geb.,

Churchill, William: A Princess of Fiji New York 1892: Dodd, Mead & Company, 351 S., IV S., geb.,

Clunie, Fergus: Fijian Weapons & Warfare. Bulletin of the Fiji Museum No.2 Suva 1977: Fiji Museum, 121 S., XI S.,

Clunie, Fergus: Yalo i Viti; Shades of Viti: A Fiji Museum Catalogue. Suva 1986: Fiji Museum, 196 S., IV S., pb.,

Cooper, Stonehewer H.: Fiji: Its Resources and Prospects. London 1879: G.Street & Co., 23 S., ger., kop.,

Coulter, John Wesley: Fiji, Little India of the Pacific. Chicago 1943: Univ. of Chicago Press, 156 S., XIII S., geb.,

Coulter, John Wesley: The Drama of Fiji; A Contemporary History. Rutland 1967: Charles Tuttle, 230 S., geb.,

Cumming, C. F. Gordon: At Home in Fiji. 2. Aufl. New York 1889: A.C. Armstrong & Son, 365 S., X S., Karte, geb.,

De Ricci, James Herman: Fiji: Our New Province in the South Seas? Reprint London 1875: Edward Stanford (Bibliolife), 324 S., VIII S., geb.,

Deane, W.: Fijian Society or the Sociology and Psychology of the Fijians. London 1921: Macmillan and Co. Limited, 255 S., XIII S., geb.,

Degener, Otto: Naturalist’s South Pacific Expedition: Fiji. Honolulu 1949: Paradise of the Pacific, 303 S., geb.,

Derrick, R. A.: The Fiji Islands; A Geographical Handbook. Suva 1965: Government Press Fiji, 336 S., XXXVII S., geb.,

Derrick, R. A.: A History of Fiji. Volume One. Suva 1974: Government Press Fiji, 250 S., IL S., geb.,

Derrick, R. A.: The Geography of the Fiji Islands. Historical, Physical, and Political. Davuilevu 1938: Davuilevu Technical School, 183 S., VI S., geb., 4 Karten,

Dickhardt, Michael: Das Räumliche des Kulturellen. Entwurf zu einer kulturanthropologischen Raumtheorie am Beispiel Fiji. Göttinger Studien zur Ethnologie, Bd. 7 Münster/Hamburg/London 2001: LIT-Verlag, 311 S., XIV S., pb.,

Ellerich, Sebastian T.: Der Yaqona-Markt in Fidschi. Zustand, Probleme, Bemühungen. Kölner Ethnologische Beiträge Band 12 Köln 2004: Hundt Druck, 163 S., pb.,

Emberson-Bain, ‘Atu: Labour and Gold in Fiji. Cambridge 1994: Cambridge University Press, 270 S., XXIV S., geb.,

Endicott, William: Wrecked Among Cannibals in the Fijis. A Narrative of Shipwreck & Adventure in the South Seas. Salem 1923: Marine Research Society, 76 S., geb.,

Erskine, John Elphinstone: Journal of a Cruise Among the Islands of the Western Pacific., including the Feejees and others inhabited by the Polynesian Negro Races, in Her Majesty’s Ship Havannah. Reprint Papakura 1987: Southern Reprints, 488 S., VII S., geb.,

Ewins, Rod: Fijian Artefacts. Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Collection. Hobart  1982: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 115 S., VI S., pb.,

Ewins, Rory: Changing their minds. Tradition and Politics in Contemporary Fiji and Tonga. Christchurch 1998: Macmillan Brown Centre, University of Canterbury, 298 S., XXVI S., pb.,

Faust, Heiko: Verstädterung in Fiji. Besonderheiten in den Stadt-Land-Beziehungen eines insularen pazifischen Entwicklungslandes. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pazifische Studien Aachen, Reihe Pazifik Forum, Band 6 Aachen 1996: Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, 224 S., VII S., geb.,

Field, Michael/ Baba, Tupeni/ Nabobo-Baba, Unaisi: Speight of violence. Inside fiji’s 2000 Coup. Auckland 2005: Reed Publisher, 288 S., pb.,

Fiji Times and Herald: A Holiday in Fiji. Suva o.J. (ca. 1938): Fiji Publicity Board / Fiji Times and Herald, 12 S., gehft.,

Fisk, E. K.: The Political Economy of Independent Fiji. Canberra 1970: Australian National University Press, 90 S., XIII S., pb.,

Fison, Lorimer: Tales from Old Fiji. London 1904: Alexander Morning Ltd. The De La More Press, 175 S., XLV S., geb.,

Forbes Litton: Two Years in Fiji. Reprint London 1875: Longmans, Green, and Co./Kessinger Publishing’s Legacy Reprints, 340 S., 32 S., XII S., geb.,

Foster, Harry L.: A Vagabond in Fiji. New York 1927: Dood, Mead and Company, 309 S., VIII S., geb.,

Fraenkel, Jon / Firth, Stewart (eds.): From Election to Coup in Fiji. The 2006 campaign and its aftermath. Canberra 2007: Asia Pacific Press/ ANU E Press, 483 S., geb.,

Fraenkel, Jon / Firth, Stewart / Lal, Brij, V. (eds.): The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji. A Coup to End All Coups? State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Program, Studies in State and Society in the Pacific, No. 4.; ANU E Press Canberra 2009: The Australian National University / E Press, 472 S., XIV S., geb.,

France, Peter: The Charter of the Land, Custom and Colonization in Fiji. Melbourne 1969: Oxford Univ. Press, 229 S., XIV S., geb.,

France, Peter: The Charter of the Land, Custom and Colonization in Fiji. Melbourne 1969: Oxford Univ. Press, 229 S., XIV S., geb., sign.,

Freeman, Lewis R.: In the Tracks of the Trades. The Account of a Fourteen Thousand Mile Yachting Cruise to the Hawaiis, Marquesas, Societies, Samoas and Fijis. New York 1920: Dodd, Mead and Company, 380 S., VII S., geb.,

Gajraj, Singh: The Sikhs of Fiji. Suva 1972: South Pacific Social Science Association, 65 S., kop., pb.,

Gallagher, Pat: The Marist Brothers in New Zealand, Fiji & Samoa 1876-1976. Tuakau 1976: New Zealand Marist Brothers Trust Board, 211 S., geb.,

Geddes, William R.: Deuba. A Study of a Fijian Village. IPS Reprint Series Suva 2000: University of the South Pacific, 99 S., XVIII S., pb.,

Geraghty, Paul A.: The History of the Fijian Languages. Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication No. 19 Honolulu 1983: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 483 S., XXV S., pb.,

Gerber, Rev. Hansulrich/ Garasu, Sister Lorraine/ Dinnen, Sinclair/ Ratuva, Steven/ Hummel, Uwe/ Farnbacher, Traugott: Frieden im Pazifik? Bougainville, Salomonen, Fidschi und West-Papua. Westpazifsiche Inselstaaten zwischen Aufstand und Friedenslösungen. Dossier Nr. 86 Neuendettelsau 2008: Pazifik-Informationsstelle, 79 S., gehft.,

Gillion, K. L.: Fiji´s Indian Migrants. A History to the End of Indenture in 1920. Melbourne 1973: Oxford Univ. Press, 234 S., XIX S., geb.,

Glatthaar, Dieter/Liedtke, Herbert: Fidschi – Studien zu einem Entwicklungsland. Bochum 1990: Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 108 S., kop.,

Gördes, Hugo: Die Arbeiterfrage in der deutschen Südsee unter Berücksichtigung der englischen Fidschi-Inseln. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Volkswirtschaft in tropischen Ländern. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexanders-Universität Erlangen. Karlsruhe 1915: Akt.-Ges. Badenia, 54 S., pb.,

Gravelle, Kim: Fiji’s Times, A History of Fiji. Book One Suva o.J.: Fiji Times, 84 S., pb.,

Gravelle, Kim: Fiji’s Times. A History of Fiji. Suva 1988: Fiji Times Ltd., 246 S., kop.,

Green, Michael: Fiji’s Short-Lived Experiment in Executive Power-Sharing, May-December 2006. State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, Discussion Paper 2009/2 Canberra 2009: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, 21 S., gehft.,

Griffin, Chris/ Monsell-Davis, Mike (eds.): Fijians in Town. Suva 1986: Institute of Pacific Studies/ Univ. of the South Pacific, 224 S., XV S., pb.,

Grimshaw, Beatrice: From Fiji to the Cannibal Islands. London/Edinburgh/New York o.J. (ca. 1890): Th. Nelson & Co., 255 S., geb.,

Grimshaw, Beatrice: Fiji and its Possibilities. New York 1907: Doubleday, Page & Company, 315 S., XIII S., geb.,

Guppy, H. B.: Observations of a Naturalist in the Pacific between 1896 and 1899. Volume I. Vanua Levu, Fiji. London 1903: Macmillan and Co., 392 S., XXIII S., geb.,

Haddon A. C./ Hornell, James: Canoes of Oceania. (Vol. 1, 2, und 3); Vol.1: The Canoes of Polynesia, Fiji, and Micronesia; Vol.2: The Canoes of Melanesia, Queensland, and New Guinea; Vol.3: Definition of terms, general survey, and conclusions. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications 27, 28 und 29 Honolulu 1997: Bishop Museum Press, 454 S. XVII S., +342 S. VI S., +88 S., II S., pb.,

Halapua, Winston: Living on the Fringe: Melanesians in Fiji. Suva 2001: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 152 S., pb.,

Halapua, Winston: Tradition, Lotu and Militarism in Fiji. Suva 2003: Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, 227 S., X S., pb.,

Henderson, G. C.: Fiji and the Fijians 1835-1856. Sydney 1931: Angus & Robertson Ltd., 333 S., XVI S., geb.,

Henderson, G. C.: The Discoverers of the Fiji Islands. Tasman, Cook, Bligh, Wilson, Bellinghausen. London 1937: John Murray, 324 S., XVIII S., geb., Karte,

Henley, Sir Thomas: Fiji The Land of Promise. Religious-Political-Economic. Sydney 1926: John Sands Ltd., 66 S., geb.,

Hintz, Christine: Analyse der religions-ethnographischen Aussagen von Alma M. Karlin über die Inselkulturen Melanesiens (Fidschi, Neue Hebriden, Salomonen) aufgrund der Südseereise in den Jahren 1919-28. Dissertation Wien 1997: Universität Wien, 230 S., geb.,

Hocart, A. M.: The Northern States of Fiji. Occasional Publication No. 11 London 1952: Royal Anthropological Institute, 304 S., XI S., geb.,

Hocart, A. M.: Lau Islands, Fiji. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 62 Honolulu 1929: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 246 S., IV S., pb.,

Horne, John: A Year in Fiji, or An Inquiry into the Botanical, Agricultural, and Economical Resources of the Colony. London 1881: Edward Stanford (London)/ George Robertson (Melbourne); George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 297 S., IV S., geb., STO

Hornell, James: String Figures from Fiji and Western Polynesia. Bernice P. Bishop Bulletin No. 39 Honolulu 1927: Bishop Museum Press, 88 S., pb.,

Horsley, Reginald: Hunted Through Fiji or Twixt Convict and Cannibal. London 1897: W. & R. Chambers, 316 S., (+25 S., geb.,

Howard, Michael: Fiji: Race and Politics in an Island State. Vancouver 1991: Univ. of British Columbia Press, 452 S., XVIII S., geb.,

Howlett, R. A.: The History of the Fiji Military Forces 1939-1945. London/Christchurch 1948: Crown Agents for the Colonies/Whitcombe & Tombs, Ltd., 267 S., geb.,

Im Thurn, Sir Everard/ Wharton, Leonhard C. (eds.): The Journal of William Lockerby, Sandalwood Trader in the Fijian Islands 1808-1909. Issued by the Haklyt Society, Second Series, No.LII London 1922: The Hakluyt Society, 250 S., CXI S., Karten, geb.,

Indra, Karl Rudolf: Südseefahrten. Schilderungen einer Reise nach den Fidschi-Inseln, Samoa und Tonga. Berlin 1903: Wilhelm Süsserott, 226 S., geb.,

Kaplan, Martha: Neither Cargo nor Cult; Ritual Politics and the Colonial Imagination in Fiji. Durham/London 1995: Duke Univ. Press, 226 S., XVIII S., pb.,

Katz, Richard: The Straight Path; A Story of Healing and Transformation in Fiji. Reading 1993: Addison-Wesley, 413 S., geb.,

Keesing-Styles, Esther/ Keesing-Styles, William (eds.): Unto the perfect day. the Journal of Thomas James Jaggar Feejee 1838-1845. Auckland 1988: Solent Publishing, 136 S., VIII S., pb.,

Kelly, John D.: A Politics of Virtue; Hinduism, Sexuality and Countercolonial Discourse in Fiji. Chicago 1991: Univ. of Chicago Press, 266 S., XVI S., pb.,

Kelly, John D./ Kaplan, Martha: Represented Communities. Fiji and World Decolonization. Chicago/London 2001: Univ. of Chicago Press, 243 S., XIV S., pb.,

Knapman, Bruce: Fiji´s economic history, 1874-1939; Studies of capitalist colonial development. Pacific Research Monograph No.15 Canberra 1987: The Australian National Univ., National Centre for Development Studies, 153 S., XI S., pb.,

Knox, Thomas W.: The Boy Travellers in Australasia. Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to The Sandwich, Marquesas, Society, Samoan, and Feejee Islands, and Through the Colonies of New Zealand, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. New York 1889: Harper & Brothers, 538 S., XVI S., geb.,

Lal, Brij V.: Broken Waves; A History of the Fiji Islands in the Twentieth Century. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No. 11 Honolulu 1992: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 405 S., XXII S., geb.,

Lal, Brij V.: Turnings. Fiji Factions Lautoka 2008: Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, 224 S., IX S., pb.s,

Lal, Brij V.: Mr Tulsi’s Store. A Fijian Journey. Canberra 2001: Pandanus Books/ Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, 209 S., XIII S., pb.,

Lal, Brij V.: „This Process of Political Deadjustment“: Aftermath of the 2006 Fiji Coup. State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, discussion Paper 2007/2 Canberra 2007: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, 22 S., gehft.,

Lal, Brij V.: Islands of Turmoil. Elections and Politics in Fiji. Canberra 2006: Asia Pacific Press at the Australian National University, 282 S., XIII S., geb.,

Lal, Brij V.: A Time Bomb Lies Buried. Fiji’s Road to Independence, 1960-1970. State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Monograph No. 1; ANU E Press Canberra 2008: The Australian National University, 106 S., IX S., geb.,

Lal, Brij V. (ed.): Fiji Before the Storm. Elections and the Politics of Development. Canberra 2000: Asia Pacific Press at the Australian National University, 205 S., XII S., pb.,

Lal, Brij V.(ed.): Politics in Fiji; Studies in Contemporary History. Honolulu 1986: Institute for Polynesian Studies (Brigham Young Univ.), 161 S., XI S., geb.,

Lal, Brij V.(ed.): Crossing the Kala Pani; A documentary History of Indian Indenture in Fiji. Canberra/Suva 1998: Division of Pacific and Asian History, ANU/Fiji Museum, 328 S., pb.,

Lal, Brij V./ Pretes, Michael (eds.): Coup. Reflections on the Political Crisis in Fiji. Canberra 2001: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies/ Australian National Univ., 186 S., X S., pb.,

Lal, Victor: Fiji Coups in Paradise. Race, Politics and Military Intervention. London 1990: Zed Books, 264 S., XIV S., kop. (teilweise),

Larsson, Karl Erik: Fijian Studies. Reihe Etnologiska Studier, No. 25 Göteborg 1960: Gothenburg, 147 S., pb.,

Lawry, Walter: A Second Missionary Visit to the Friendly and Feejee Islands in the Year MDCCCL. London 1851: John Mason/ Charles Gilpin, 220 S., VIII S., geb.,

Lawson, Stephanie: The Failure of Democratic Politics in Fiji. Oxford 1991: Clarendon Press, 307 S., XV S., geb.,

Lawson, Stephanie: Tradition Versus Democracy in the South Pacific; Fiji, Tonga and Western Samoa. Cambridge 1996: Cambridge Univ. Press, 228 S., X S., geb.,

Leckie, Jacqueline: To Labour with the State. The Fiji Public Service Association. Dunedin 1997: University of Otago Press, 221 S., pb.,

Legge, J. D.: Britain in Fiji 1858-1880. London 1958: Macmillan, 307 S., XI S., geb.,

Lehner, Erich: Südsee-Architektur; Traditionelle Bautypen auf Hawaii, Tonga, Samoa, Neuseeland und den Fidschi-Inseln. Wien 1995: Phoibos, 111 S., pb.,

Lelièvre, Matth.: Der Apostel der Kannibalen. Leben von John Hunt, Missionar auf den Fidschi-Inseln. Bremen 1876: W. Balett & Co., 419 S., XI S., geb.,

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Lütgert, Stephan A.: Conrad Machens. Ein Kaufmannsleben zwischen Deutschland und Fidschi (1856-1930). Husum 2009: Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, 184 S., geb.,

Lütgert, Stephan A. (Hrsg.): Conrad Machens. Briefe von Fidschi aus dem Jahre 1883. Norderstedt 2010: Books on Demand GmbH, 84 S., pb.,

Macnaught, Timothy J.: The Fijian Colonial Experience. A study of the neotraditional order under British colonial rule prior to World War II. Pacific Research Monograph, No. 7 Canberra/Miami 1982: The Australian National University, 203 S., XVII S., pb.,

Mamak, Alexander: Colour, Culture & Conflict. A Study of Pluralism in Fiji. Rushcutters Bay 1978: Pergamon Press, 203 S., XI S., geb.,

Marshall, Yvonne/ Crosby, Andrew/ Matararaba, Sepeti/ Wood, Shannon: Sigatoka. The Shifting Sands of Fijian Prehistory. University of Southampton Department of Archaeology Monograph No. 1. Oxford  2000: Oxbow Books, 128 S., IV S., geb.,

Mascha, Michael: Fisch, Fischfang und Fisch als Nahrung auf Natuku, Fiji. Dissertation Wien 1985: Universität Wien, 320 S., geb.,

Mayer, Adrian C.: Peasants in the Pacific; A Study of Fiji Indian Rural Society. London 1973: Routledge & Kegan, 247 S., XIV S., geb.,

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Merry, Sally Engle/ Brenneis, Donald: Law & Empire in the Pacific. Fiji and Hawai’i. School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series Santa Fe/Oxford 2003: School of American Research Press/James Currey, 313 S., XI S., pb.,

Mückler, Hermann: Ethnische Heterogenität in Fidschi als Erbe britischer Kolonialpolitik und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Fidschianer von 1858 bis heute. Diplomarbeit Wien 1993: Universität Wien, 252 S., geb.,

Mückler, Hermann: Taukei und Vulagi; Ursachen politischer Instabilität in Fidschi. Kulturwandel, ethnische Konflikte und die Bedeutung des Häuptlingswesens: die fidschianische Perspektive. Dissertation Wien 1997: Universität Wien, 442 S., geb.,

Mückler, Hermann: Fidschi - Zwischen Tradition und Transformation. Frankfurt/Main 1998: IKO-Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 466 S., pb.,

Mückler, Hermann: Fidschi. Das Ende eines Südseeparadieses. Wien 2001: Promedia, 240 S., pb.,

Mückler, Hermann: Finis Tui Viti? Wandel und Erodierung traditioneller Machtstrukturen in Fidschi als Konsequenz innerer und äusserer Dynamiken. Ein Beitrag zur Traditionalismus-Diskussion aus ethnohistorisch und politisch-ethnologischer Sicht. Habilitation Wien 2001: Universität Wien, 387 S., geb.,

Nabobo-Baba, Unaisi: Knowing & Learning: An Indigenous Fijian Approach. Suva 2006: Institute of Pacific Studies/Univ. of the South Pacific, 165 S., XII S., pb.,

Nair, Shashikant: Rural-born Fijians and Indo-Fijians in Suva; A study of movements and linkages. Development Studies Centre Monograph No.24 Canberra 1980: The Australian National University, 97 S., XI S., pb.,

Narayan, Jay: The Political Economy of Fiji. Suva 1984: South Pacific Review Press, 144 S., XXI S., pb.,

National Geographic: The Two Worlds of Fiji. Vol.188, No.4 Washington 1995: National Geographic Society, 23 S. (S.114-137), pb.,

Nayacakalou, R. R.: Leadership in Fiji. Suva 1975: Institute for Pacific Studies, 170 S., XIII S., kop.,

Nayacakalou, R. R.: Tradition and Change in the Fijian Village. Suva 1978: Institute for Pacific Studies, 165 S., XII S., kop.,

Ng Bessie, Kumlin Ali: Chinese in Fiji. Suva 2002: Institute of Pacific Studies, 287 S., pb.,

Nicole, Robert: Disturbing History. Resistance in Early Colonial Fiji. Honolulu 2011: University of Hawaii Press, 299 S., IX S., geb.,

Norton, Robert: Race and Politics in Fiji. New York 1977: St. Martin’s Press, 210 S., XV S., geb.,

Nutting, C. C.: Fiji-New Zealand Expedition. Narrative and Preliminary Report of a Scientific Expedition from the University of Iowa to the South Seas. University of Iowa Studies in Natural History, Vol. X, No. 5 Iowa City 1924: University of Iowa, 369 S., geb.,

o.A. : Fijian Studies. A Journal of Contemporary Fiji. Vol. 1, Nr. 1. Fijian Studies. A Journal of Contemporary Fiji. Suva 2003: Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, 218 S., pb.,

o.A. : Fijian Studies. A Journal of Contemporary Fiji. Vol. 2, Nr. 2. Fijian Studies. A Journal of Contemporary Fiji. Suva 2004: Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, 149 S., pb.,

o.A. : Fijian Studies. A Journal of Contemporary Fiji. Vol. 3, Nr. 1. Fijian Studies. A Journal of Contemporary Fiji. Suva 2005: Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, 200 S., pb.,

o.A. : Geschichte der christlichen Missionen auf den Fidschi-Inseln. Bremen 1860: Verlag des Traktat-Hauses, 296 S., geb.,

o.A. : The Cyclopedia of Fiji (Illustrated). Suva 1988: Fiji Museum, 356 S., pb.,

o.A. : Die deutsche Kolonialpolitik. Erstes Heft: Deutschland in Afrika und in der Südsee. Zweites Heft: I. Deutsche Landreklamationen auf Fidji (Fidschi); II. Aktenstücke über Kamerun; III. Deutsche Interessen in der Südsee. Drittes Heft: Die Congo Konferenz. Viertes Heft: Die Rechtsverhältnisse der Deutschen in Afrika und in der Südsee. Die Deutsche Kolonialpolitik, 4 Hefte. Leipzig 1885: Rengersche Buchhandlung, 114 S.+146 S.+106 S.+69 S., geb.,

o.A. : Domodomo, Fiji Museum Quarterly. December 1984, II: 4. Domodomo, Fiji Museum Quarterly. Suva 1984: Fiji Museum, 55 S., gehft.,

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